When the media finds reasons to blame video games for either physical or social problems, I have to laugh.
Example: Woman plays game for a twenty-four hour period of time straight, baby dies, must be the games fault.
Example: Boy fails school subject, parents confiscate xbox 360, boy kills parents to get xbox back, must be the games fault.
Situations like this seem to crop up all too often, and while it is regrettable that things like this happen, I don't understand why the blame constantly seems to be pushed onto the game. The game doesn't force you to play it. It doesn't force you to do anything. I can understand being addicted to games, trust me. I can give an example of what some may consider neglect in my very own life. I used to be hopelessly addicted to Diablo 2. I used to play it nightly, and I NEEDED to play. I was in charge of my oldest son while my wife worked a night job and that was prime D2 time. I used to make what I called a "doggy bed" by my computer chair so my oldest son would have somewhere to sleep closeby while I D2'd it up. Not exactly model parent of the year award material. I made the choice to do that, in some ways I regret even playing D2 because of the amount of time that game sucked out of my life, but it always comes back to me making the choice to do so, the game never made me type in my password.
What do you people think?
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