5. Unnecessary find/fetch/toil/repeat events.
I think we've all played a game that had these. Find x items and report back; fetch x npc and report back; plant xx trees and grow to maturity to progress; stay alive for 15 minutes without losing your weakest units which also happen to be the most used; repeat planting xx plants for each new 'garden'. etc. We've all been there, this is content "addition" in the simplest form, and also major boring shit. No examples necessary.
4. "That One Level"
Some games have a level // zone // area // boss // etc, that is far and away the hardest part of the game. The part that makes you dread another playthrough. (looking at you Killzone 2 final level) I also just got a really cool PSN game called Eufloria, but level 11 is impossible compared to the rest of the game, sad because I could spend hundreds of hours playing it.
3. Game sequels that regress.
Recently I played Uncharted 3, after playing the hell out of both 1 and 2. I thought for certain that 3 would be a nice culmination of the learning process of both 1 and 2 and I would be rewarded for being a repeat customer. It ended up (in my opinion) the worst of the set. Terrible targeting, AI was all rush you, all the time, the story felt "forced", and the quick time events were far and away the most obtrusive of the series, taking me out of the atmosphere repeatedly.
2. Tired ideas.
Games aren't hollywood movies. Even in hollywood movies we get tired of the same plots over and over. Nintendo, I love zelda games, but my goodness, get another princess or something.
1. Updated roster = new $60.00 game!
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