Monday, April 11, 2011


I would like to introduce myself to the masses that follow this blog :) I am a simple man, enthralled by games and have been ever since I can remember. It was mostly PC games (Police Quest and Leisure Suit Larry if your wondering) that sparked my interest "back in the day" and blossomed into what I am today. I am a father now doing fatherly things with a wife (god bless her tolerance) and a son that is growing into a fine gamer (well maybe someday). Games have defined eras for me, defined periods of time in the past that I know I will remember long after Alzheimers has taken over. I mainly play PS3 now (curse you trophies) mainly due to the fact that I am lazy and just want to sit in front of the TV on the couch but have played (and still own) most of the consoles that I have played over the years and have the unique opportunity to share those oldies but goodies with my family and make it a family activity that we can all participate. I hear that families that play together, stay together. I haven't had much time because I am currently in the middle of trying to better myself by advancing my education and finding a job that will pay for my habits and the future habits of my family with what I am certain will include smartphones (gotta keep track of everyone) and trips to god knows where (as long as there is mobile gaming). I was planning on getting on here and contributing a while back, but life happens and now here I am. I have a lot to say for this particular blog which will consist mostly of "old school" and my viewpoint as things-are-a-changin. I also look forward to the content posted by everybody which spurred me to get on here in the first place as I was reading through some of the older posts. Keep up the good work and as Beavis used to say, "Heh heh heh, kick his ass!"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's see if we can start a bit of discussion here...

When Final Fantasy XII came out, I got it at release. I happily played it for a month or so, then Real Life intervened in some way and I stopped playing it. Other games came out and I started playing them, leaving my progress in FFXII at a standstill. Last month, I decided to fire it up again, just to giggles, and when I'd loaded my save, I noticed that I was at a loss for what I needed to do.

I admit it; I've done this on a number of games. Depending on the game, I may be able to pick it up right where I'd left off, but more and more often, I'm finding that I just can't continue on because I've lost my recollection of what it is that I was to be doing.

Let's discuss this. Have you run into a situation like this? What did you do? At what point do you decide it's better to start fresh than it is to try to continue on in hopes you'll remember exactly what you need to do?

Monday, April 4, 2011

When to call it quits.

For the last couple of months, I have been playing DC Universe Online rather religiously. Talking a few hours a day of my life dedicated to developing my character and collecting whatever in the hell you collect in a standard MMO. I've been enjoying the hell out of it, it's been fun and I feel my "main" is developed and ready for whatever the devs would throw at it.

It's been a great few months, but now I wonder if it's that time. You know the time to just call it quits on the game. The time where you have to decide if you're getting your money back out of it, or if you're just done experiencing what the game has to offer.

I was thinking about whether I would continue to pay the subscription or just call it quits. It's always been hard for me to call it quits on a game. I seem to always have this nagging voice in my head as it was coming down to the time when I knew I was probably done with the game, but couldn't put it down. I find I have this problem with all MMOs. They have this content that sucks you in, and then you've invested enough time and energy into developing your skills/character/friends whatever that you feel compelled to stick with it just to get more return on your investment. DC is no different for me.

So, when is it time to call it quits on a game?