Monday, April 11, 2011


I would like to introduce myself to the masses that follow this blog :) I am a simple man, enthralled by games and have been ever since I can remember. It was mostly PC games (Police Quest and Leisure Suit Larry if your wondering) that sparked my interest "back in the day" and blossomed into what I am today. I am a father now doing fatherly things with a wife (god bless her tolerance) and a son that is growing into a fine gamer (well maybe someday). Games have defined eras for me, defined periods of time in the past that I know I will remember long after Alzheimers has taken over. I mainly play PS3 now (curse you trophies) mainly due to the fact that I am lazy and just want to sit in front of the TV on the couch but have played (and still own) most of the consoles that I have played over the years and have the unique opportunity to share those oldies but goodies with my family and make it a family activity that we can all participate. I hear that families that play together, stay together. I haven't had much time because I am currently in the middle of trying to better myself by advancing my education and finding a job that will pay for my habits and the future habits of my family with what I am certain will include smartphones (gotta keep track of everyone) and trips to god knows where (as long as there is mobile gaming). I was planning on getting on here and contributing a while back, but life happens and now here I am. I have a lot to say for this particular blog which will consist mostly of "old school" and my viewpoint as things-are-a-changin. I also look forward to the content posted by everybody which spurred me to get on here in the first place as I was reading through some of the older posts. Keep up the good work and as Beavis used to say, "Heh heh heh, kick his ass!"

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